IC Donates over $12,000 to North Star

IC's recent donation of $12,324 to North Star Family Services is set to make a profound impact on homeless families in North Central Massachusetts.

Fitchburg, MA: The donation supports their Journey Home Project—an innovative initiative centered around a new apartment building that will house homeless families with children.

From left to right: Mike DelGiudice, VP of Marketing at IC Credit Union, presents a check to North Star President Jon Hogue and Director of Development Shauna Neidigh in front of the Journey Home Project site.

Located just down the street from North Star Family Services’ shelter, which has served homeless families in North Central Massachusetts for over 20 years, the Journey Home Project aims to provide supportive, affordable, and permanent housing for families in need. This new development will supplement the emergency sheltering services already offered, creating a pathway for families to transition from temporary shelters to sustainable, secure living environments. The project focuses on equipping families with the tools and resources necessary to regain their independence, with the ultimate goal of breaking the cycle of homelessness.

IC Team Members contributed $2,324 through their Jeans for Charity program. In this initiative, employees donate a portion of their paychecks to support local causes every other month. IC then matches these donations to maximize the impact. Team members show their involvement by wearing jeans on Fridays.

“All of us at IC are thrilled to support North Star Family Services in their Journey Home Project,” said Christopher P. Hendry, President and CEO of IC Credit Union. “We truly believe in giving back to the community and supporting programs that make a lasting impact. North Star’s commitment to providing affordable and permanent housing is critical for so many families, and we’re honored to be part of this important work.”

North Star Family Services has been a beacon of hope for families facing housing insecurity. Their comprehensive approach includes not only emergency shelter but also essential services such as counseling, budgeting, transportation, and childcare support, empowering families to rebuild their lives.

“We are incredibly grateful for IC Credit Union’s generous donation,” said Jon Hogue, President & CEO of North Star Family Services. “The funds will go directly toward helping us expand our housing offerings, allowing us to serve more families in need and providing them with the stability and security they deserve.

With the support of IC Credit Union and other community partners, the Journey Home Project will make a significant difference in the lives of families experiencing homelessness, offering them hope and a real opportunity for a better future.

For more information on IC Credit Union or to learn how you can support North Star Family Services, please visit iccreditunion.org or northstarfs.org.